
This weekend Allie Grace, Scott's daughter, was here. She hasn't been here since last Chrismast so Scott was very happy to see her. On saturday Kelly and Scott took her to the pumpkin place, where Klara and I already have been so we choose to stay home. 
It became a cleaning day for us. Kelly wanted me to wash my sheets, which Klara already had done some days before. So I washed 'em and then we wasched som clothes. 
Nu ska här tvättas lakan
Lexi, a friend from school, texted and asked if we wanted to go the movies and then stay the night with her. We needed some stuff from the store so before she picked us up, we walked to the dollar general (takes like 20 each way, and all Americans thinks we're crazy). When we came home again Lexi picked us up, and as a surprise, Samuel (who we met last time we were with Lexi, when we rode his sisters horse) was in the car with her. We went to her aunt and uncle's house and ate some pizza. Then to the movie theater in Columbus, to see The House at the End of the Street. Seriously the first scary movie I have ever seen at the movie theater! But it was ok when I blocked my ears at the scary parts.. ;)
After the movie we went to drop Samuel off but we didn't have to be home untill 11 so we stayed and made a fire and grilled marshmallowes to make s'mores. S'mores is when you put a piece of chocolate and one gilled marshmallow between two pieces of graham crackers. It was very good!
Samuels verkstad
Klara, Lexi och Samuel i eldens sken
At 11 we left Samuel and went home to Lexi and went to bed.
When we woke up we drove to the waffle house in West Point. Mmm! Then we went to watch Lexi's cheerleading practice and after that she drove us home, and I made my bad with my clean sheets and washed some more clothes.
Lexi är tjejen med rosa linne
En ren och bäddad säng :)
Now I'm going to take a shower then go to bed.
Miss y'all Swedish people! ♥

Homecoming Game

Pep rally during the break

On the stage, all the sweethearts, maids and the queen for the homecoming were presented


The game's on

The cheerleading is on

The band is always lined up at the bleacher during the games

The homecoming 

Kyle, Michael, Klara and Emily 


Unfortunately the kicker missed 2 of the most important kicks... We lost by one point! 27-28.

They made two kicks to just get one point when it was one minute left, to get longer time to score one more touchdown but they failed.

The most exciting game so far though.


Hej, jag heter Amanda och jag har glömt bort att jag har en blogg att skruva på, som en dagbok för minnen... Nej då, jag har inte glömt, jag har bara inte känt för att skriva. :/

Sammanfattar lite snabbt vad som händer:

Denna vecka är homecoming week. Är inte helt hundra på vad det är till för men imorgon är det i alla fall the homecoming game och det längste och förhoppningsvis bästa pep rallyt under rasten! :)
Varje dag denna veckan har det varit ett speciellt kläd tema, måndag vad superhjälte dag, tisdag skulle 9an ha rött, 10an (jag) ha grönt, 11an ha rosa och 12an blått. Onsdag var nerdday, alla hade instoppad skjorta, hängslen och glasögon. Idag, torsdag var 80s day och imorgon, fredag är det spiritual day då man har på sig en Caledonia shirt. Förra veckan beställde och betalade man för homecoming t-shirts om man ville ha dom och idag fick man dom. Så det är vad jag ska ha på mig under spiritual day.

Jag har bränt ett sår i min läpp med en salami från en pizza, men det läker fint.

Idag fick vi skjuts till skolan av en kille från min creative writing class. Han plockade upp oss innan bussen kom för att han vill slippa trafik. Så nu har jag upplevt lite av livet på parkeringen före skolan ;)

Jag och Klara flummar väldigt mycket på kvällarna... Förra inlägget är ett exempel på det. Kuligt har vi :)

Och nu ska jag berätta för er vad jag gör istället för att blogga när jag inte har något att göra... ÄTER!!! Because that what we do here in America! Not good! Jag kommer rulla hem.

Juste, igår åkte vi med Annie (the other german exchange student) hem, för att gå med henne och hennes familj till kyrkan. Väldigt trevlig familj och väldigt stor kyrka! Kanske 100-200 ungdomar där. Scott picked us up after and we ate KFC for the first time!

I think that's kind of what I have to say at the moment...
I'm sorry I haven't written!

Now I've gotta sleep!

Post by Klara

HEEEEY!!! :)))))))))))) This is Klara! Amanda doesn´t feel like writing today so I do it! :)))
Today we went to the pumpkin field and it was sooo hot!! after that we visited the fair in columbus and met some guys from school (hey Michael and Andy). we watched wrestling, but that was soo weird that we left... at home we ate pizza... :)) tomorrow we might go to church!! the weather is better now, it was really cold and rainy the last days..
Big pumpkins
Ferris wheel
oh, amanda told me some swedish: äckel and fula jävel :D but we were just making fun because we were drinking a looot of Mnt Dew that day. this is my favorite soda now! 
MntDew bottle in an empty glass
 I have to finish now because Michael said I should hurry up and I´m tired...( I almost deleted this post :D )

Macht´s gut!! 

Klara :)) <3 

Hon är en härlig tjej, hon Klara! :) /Amanda
Bilderna är inlagda av mig också! 
(And just so you know, Klara taught me worse words than me, in German!) ((schwanzlutscher))

Progress report

Thursday, two weeks ago, I got my first progress report in every class, where you get an average of what you have done so far in the class. 
I had A in every class except biology, where I had C. :P But anyways, A IN ALL THE THER CLASSES! :D
I'm the smarty! :)

En vecka hos Joy

Nu har jag bott en vecka hos Joy, min områdesansvariga, som bor på andra sidan Caledonia från där vi bor. Det var en en upplevelse i sig, att få testa att bo hos en annan världfamilj.
På lördagen, då vi kom dit, kom det 3 utbytesstudenter och hälsade på. Jonas, som jag har skrivit om innan, och 2 andra killar. Först satt vi ute och pratade och diskuterade skola och annat och sedan gick vi in och kollade på film. Mysig kväll. :)
På morgnarna tog vi en annan skolbuss en vanligt (såklart) och det var min MS Studies lärare som körde den. Vanligtvis, när vi är hemma, är vi ju de sista som går på bussen, nu var vi nästan först, vilket också var kul att uppleva, att få se bussen köra runt och plocka upp barn över allt. ;) Efter skolan tog vi den vanliga bussen hem och så kom Joy och hämtade oss vid 5-6.
Joy har 3 valpar som vi fick lov att ta ut och gosa med ibland. SÅÅÅ SÖÖÖTA!!! ♥ Hon fick också 4 nya valpar i torsdag som hon inte visste var på väg. Otroligt små!!! Hon matade dom med nappflaska! ^^

4 veckor gammal valp
På torsdagen var det dags för en hemma-volleyboll-match. (Vi har gett upp hoppet om att gå med i teamet för de har inte hört av sig och säsongen är ändå snart över.) I alla fall så gick jag och Klara till skolan... Inte det smartaste i och med att det inte finns någon bra stans att gå på vid sidan av vägen så vi var tvungna att gå på vägen, där bilarna kör i 70 km/h. På vägen var det en bil som hade kört i diket och en gubbe som var där för att hjälpa till sa: "So y'all are just randomly walking on the road?". Hahaha, det är helt oförståligt för amerikanarna att någon väljer att gå. Det alternativet finns liksom inte för dem.

Walking on the road
Väl framme (och tro det eller ej, vi kom fram... levande! ;) ), träffade vi Justin, en kille från min Creat Writing klass, och satt och pratade lite med honom medans vi tittade på den första matchen. (Han fixade förresten så jag kunde använda min iPhone att smsa och ringa med här istället för samsungen som vi köpte.) De vann första matchen! :D I pausen gick jag och Klara till Dollar General och köpte lite choklad och tuggummi. Sedan kollade vi lite på andra matchen (som de också vann) men stod mest ute och pratade med Justin och hans kompis och de frågade om vi ville fölaj med dem och äta på MiToros efter matchen. Det ville vi såklart. Det var jag, Klara, Justin, Justins kompis och Justins tjej Ali som åkte dit och åt. Trevligt! 
Joy hämtade oss 8:30.
I fredags var den andra hemma matchen i amerikansk fotboll! Åter igen var vi tvungna att , och det var värre denna gång med alla bilar som var på väg till matchen (det tar ungefär 20-30 minuter att gå). Halvvägs stannar en bil och föraren frågar om vi vill ha skjuts. Det var våran trevliga buss chaufför, så vi hoppade in. Han skulle jobba på sidag av planen med någon mätsticka, så han kom in grattis och sa att han möjligtvis kunde ta med oss in grattis också. Det funkade! Så vi sparade $5 var. ;) 
Inne mötte vi Klaras kompis Brook och Kyle, som vi brukar äta lunch med, som vi stod tillsammans med under hela matchen. Och observara STOD! Man sitter endast ner under halvtids-pausen. Detta var första matchen Caledonias fotbollslag förlorade för säsongen. Det blev 0-35. :( Men det var mot New Hope vilket typ är våra största fiender. 

Matchen är i full gång
New Hopes band spelade i pausen
Efter matchen var vi bjudna till Annika, en annan tysk utbytesstudent i skolan. Hennes värdfamilj bodde i ett jättefin, stort hus. Vi var de enda från Caledonia, alla andra var från (förbaskade) New Hope. Det var en tjej från Norge, en kille från Danmark, deras värdsyskon och 2 andra tjejer härifrån. Det bjöds på massa goda, onyttiga saker och vi spelade Just Dance. Väldigt glada personer och det var kanon-kul "4/5 toasters". 

 Den danska killen kör Just Dance med sin värdpappa

Alla andra tittar på
Igårkväll, lördag, var det "Movie on the mound" i Caledonias park, som jag och Klara gick till. Då visar de en film på big screan och alla får ta med sig stolar eller filtar och sitta på graset. Jag tror dom har det varje eller varannan lördag. Den här gången var det den nya Tintin som visades. Vi hittade dock ingen vi kände där så det var lite tråkigt.
Och idag har jag inte gjort någonting! :D Chill
Hoppas ni förlåter mig för att jag inte skrivit på ett tag! :)
Pöss och Kram! ♥ 

At Joy's

this week I live with Joy, tha area coordinator, because my host parents are on their honey moon! Right now I have no internet when I'm there so we'll see when I can make my next real blog... Hopefully soon! :)


Jag har fått två till paket sedan det från mamma/familjen! :D 
Det ena var väntat efter att min kära lillasyster Linnéa oroligt frågat om jag fått något paket, mer än en vecka efter att hon skickat det. Det kom i alla fall tillslut fram tisdagen den 28e augusti och jag tror hon skickade det onsdagen den 15e augusti. Om det stämmer så tog det alltså nästan två veckor för paketet att komma fram, så det måste nästan ha varit något fel på vägen? I paketet fanns ett brev och två skivor som jag gjorde med klassen i 8an. Hon tyckte att det passade eftersom Scott är musikintresserad. Det var också ett mystiskt vykort, som det inte stod något på, med som Linnéa säger att hon inte stoppade i...


Brevet och skivorna

Det mystiska vykortet
Nästa paket kom den 30e augusti och var från min faster Eva. I fanns ett skrivet vykort, en rolig bild på Evas man Hans, läpplans, tuggummi och en godispåse! :D

Älgvykort, Extra jordgubbstuggummi, Hans i Burgerking krona och läppglans

Tack så jättemycket Linnéa, Spindel-Eva och Hans för superfina paket! Mycket uppskattat och väldigt kul att hitta paket till mig i brevlådan här i USA! Kramar till er!
Jag vill också tacka för alla fina kommentarer och säga att jag tycker det är jättekul att många läser min blogg och verkar tycka att det är ganska kul och intressant att följa mitt lite här. :) Det betyder mycket!
Svar på kommentar:
Viola: Jag saknar dig också! Hoppas din fot stukning blir bättre! :) ♥
Mormor: Jag märkte inte av någonting av orkanen Isaac. Vädret kanske inte var på topp men det var inget särskilt man tänkte på, det regnade och blåste lite. Jag trivs bra i Amerika! Det är väldigt annorlunda men det är ju en del av upplevelsen. Bröllopet gick bra. Det blev inte riktigt som planerat men jag tror Scott och Kelly är nöjda ändå. Kramar till er!
Pappa: Tack för ditt stöttande och för alla fina kommentarer! Mamma med! :) ♥
Har också hört av många att det börjat bli kallt där hemma. Här kan man inte vara ute i 10 minuter utan att svettas... Men jag ska inte klaga, I enjoy the heat! Trots att mitt hår står åt alla möjliga håll och inte går att göra något åt. ;) Fast jag måste ha tjocktröja till skolan varje dag! Det är dödligt kallt i klassrummen annars. Alla Americanska lärare är tydligen väldigt varmblodiga av sig. Varje lärare sätter nämligen den temperaturen den vill ha i sitt eget klassrum.
Aja, så länge det är varmt ute får jag väl hålla mig ifrån att klaga och tänka på er stackare i Sverige som snart har minusgrader. 
Jag lider med er Sverige! ;)

Finally an American Number

Last Wednesday, me, Klara and Kelly went to Walmart after school to buy finally buy phones! We ended up with each 19-dollar samsung for at&t, a company here. It's $25/30 days and then you get unlimited text and 250 minutes to call for. :)

So now I can text with people over here! ^^

Labor Day Weekend

Yesterday, Sunday, it really happen A LOT! 
Lexi and her sister picked us up at like 9:30 and we went to the Church where we were and played volleyball one Wednesday, the first time we got a ride with Lexi actually. We thought the church started at 10:00 so we were there like 5 to 10, but it started at 10:30 so we sat down, waiting for 30 minutes. Everybody that came early or sat close to us (most old people) talked to us and said that they were so glad we were there. :P Everybody here in Mississippi is so friendly! Anyway, I almost fell asleep when the priest started talking after all the singing and praying, he talked for like 30 minutes... 
When church was over we went to eat lunch at Appelbee's in Columbus and then we went home and changed cloth to something more comforable than Sunday-Church-cloth and then stayed at Lexis for a little while till her dad thought she should go meet some old friends from West Point so she called one friend who was home and we went there. Over there we didn't do anyting but watching tv. He had three very cute dogs though. Their AC didn't work so Lexi said she got hot and needed to go to Sonic to buy something cold. (Sonic is the place we have been to to buy ice cream befor and where Scott went in the middle of the night when he wanted ice cream.) We all took an ice cream called Blast (which is the one me and Clara always take), and it was so good! I had M&M and u get wipped cream on the topp.

At Sonic, they only have drive-in
As we were in West Point, Lexi showed us around a bit, because she lived there before. She showed her old school, old house, some of here familys houses and then we went to her friend, Samuel (he was the one who built the iPhoneSpeaker on the festival). He lived in a big house in the country outside West Point. Their family owned a lot land and around their house it was like 4 small lakes and it was a great view, so fancy! His sister, Caroline, got a horse, Fancy, and we got to ride her for a little while. Then we went to his grandparents house (how also own a lot of land) and went with a jeep into the forest and Samuel showed a little church and some treehouses that his grandpa hade built. A creativ man I must say. 

Samuel's house

Klara, Lexi and Samuel walk to get Fancy

Klara is riding Caroline's horse Fancy

Pretty view
It was pretty late and Lexi really wanted to meet her cousin, how only were in Columbus over the weekend, before we went home. So we went to her uncle's house, where we were for supper last night, to meet him. It was some people there and they had a fire. It was quite cozy. But then I read on facebook that a 13-year old girl had been killed in Täby, where I live in Sweden. My sister is 13 so I had to look it up, I was so scared. Thank God that it wasn't you, Viola! ♥ R.I.P Hannah!
We went home at around 10 to get some night stuff and then went to spend the night at Lexi's. Over there we made a pizza and started watching a movie, but we all were so tired so we went to bed instead.

Klara slept on the couch
Labor Day
Today's Monday is called Labor Day. It is an American hollyday and means we had no school today! We woke up at 10 and hade a clam day. Lexi took me and Klara home to get ready for lunch and than we went to Mi Toro, the Mexican reastaurat here in town. When we were done, Lexi took us home.
There is a cotton field on the way to school, very close to us, that Klara and I have planned to go and look at, and today we finally did it! :D The cotton seemed to be done and it really felt like you just could take it all and put it in the store to sell, or do a shirt out of it or something. 
After that nothing special happen. We went home to study some but we talked instead, so I hope the world history test tomorrow will be fine anyway. I'm sure it won't be too hard! ;)
I also talked to my mom on Viber today! It was very nice. I told her about yesterday and she told me a little about their exchange student from Brazil. It's funny though, when you realize that the English comes more natural than the Swedish. When I answered I said Hello intead of Hallå without thinking about it. But when she started talking Swedish I realized it. Ii also falls more natural to Yeah, insead of Ja. I read on my friend's blog how also is an exchange student and she said she had started dreaming in English. I can't remember any of my latest dreams, so I don't know how it is for me yet, but as I have started writing in English here on my blog and everything, it ain't impossible that I might have started dreaming in English. 
Haha, now I won't be able to sleep because I will think of this dreaming thing... ;)
No, I'm sure I'll be fine!
Nighty (and sorry for the super long blog, I hope you've got time to read it anyway) ♥

West Point Festival

Yesterday Lexi told us that she were going to Prairie Arts Festival in West Point today, and asked if we wanted to join her. Of course we said yes! So today, Saturday, she came and picked us up at 11 and we went for like 30 minutes. Her smaller sister was with us too. They lived in West Point last year, so this is Lexi's first year in Caledonia High School, just as for us! :) She met a lot of people she knew, anyway. Some of her family were there too so we ate lunch with 'em. 

The festival was like a market. People sold stuff they had made or things from their company. There were some music, some attrections and some food.
Lexi met a boy that she knew very good, that sold stuff he had made himself. One of the things were a different kind of iPhone speaker, and I loved it! :
Handmade iPhone speaker

It was freaking hot!!! But we bought some pinaple lemonade, which by the way was the only thing i bought except for lunch. :P The lemonade was really good and very needed in the heat!

The festival
After the lunch we went to drop off Lixi's sister and cousin at the cousin's house, in a nice neighbourhood outside Columbus. Then we went to the mal in Columbus and went into Rue 21, which is a youth clothing store with very nice clothes, Kelly loves it too.
None of us were in any big shopping mood, so we left the mal and went to Smackers frozen yoghurt, a place where we have been with Scott and Kelly before and it was Klara's idea to go there and I immediately agreed. It is frozen yoghurt insead of ice cream and that is supposed to be more healthy because it doesn't have any fat but I doubt it. It tastes exactly as ice cream and it still probably as much sugar. Very good though! You just take a cup, take what ever taste/s you like (and as I love to mix, I take a little of every taste I might like), then you have sauces and every kind of toppings (like chocolate of different kinds, brownies, fruit and candy). I had almos more topping than yoghurt. ;) Just because my big love is chocolate!!!
When we had finnished our Smackes cups we went back to Lexi's cousins' house (the ones we ate lunch with) and watched some American football. On one channel it was Mississippi against Jackson and on another Alabama against Michigan. I think Mississippi and Alabama won (YES!), but i'm not sure, we left before any of the games were over, but in the Mississippi game it was 35-0 when we left. Before we left we got dinner there. It was a lot of food... Sausage, ham/chicken-burger, fries, beans and potato salad. It was yummy! The dad said that me and Klara now were a part of the family and that we can come over whenever we like. A very nice family and a very nice house! ^^
Tomorrow Lexi'll pick us up at 9:15 to go to Church,  so i really have to sleep now.
Love to y'all! ♥

First Home Game

Today, Friday, was the first home football game! 
So during school it was spiritual day. That means you're supposed to wear a special thing to support your team. It is a game almost every friday so Tuesday through Thuresday every week they say in the speakers what to wear on the coming Friday. First Friday of school it was black, second Friday military and third (this time) farmer, like straw hat, overall and boots. Yesterday night I asked Scott for a straw hat and he had TWO! So today I wore a straw hat to school! ^^ 
Than during the break it was a Pep Rally again, as I wrote about the first Friday of school, with the video. This time it was much louder, everybody screamed! Very funny though! Everyone is so into it and happy. It is a really big thing to support your school teams here.
Here you can read a little about Pep rallies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pep_rally 
Klara and I weren't sure about that Scott or Kelly would be home when it was time to go to the game, so during school we tried to flirt with some people to get a ride. No, just kidding, but everybody askes everybody if they're going to the game and when I got the questiont the answer was "Yes, but I'm not sure that I can get a ride from my host parents." The boy answered that it wasn't any problem, it's just to ask somebody, and he knew I already had his number so I could call him if we needed a ride. (Why I had his number is another story, but shortly because he knows a lot about iPhones and we still have to use the house phone because we still haven't fixed an American number yet.) Klara talked to Lexi, the girl that gave us a ride from Church last Wednesday. She also said that we could call here if we needed a ride. (People are so helpful here! ^^) But when we came home Kelly was there with Ayden and said that she also were going to the game so we didn't have to worrie about how to get there. 20 minutes before we were to leave, Lexi knocked on the door. So me and Klara went with her instead of Kelly. We left like an hour befor the game was to start so we went by Lexi's house and met here family and than we headed to the game where there already was plenty of people.

Me in the Straw Hat

The Pep Rally

Ayden in the straw hat

In Lexi's car with her driving

Before the game had started

During the Game
WE WON!!! I think the final result was 17-7! :D
Now I am almost falling down on my computer sleeping... ;)
Good Night 
Sleep Tight
Sweet Dreams

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